In Need of a Makeover

by Natasha

My Site Needs a Makeover

I’m getting tired of seeing all the gray and white. Sadly, I have no time to work on a new layout. *sigh*

My Wardrobe Needs a Makeover

You have no idea.. I recycle the same outfits to work every week. Some days, I look like I’m 30 something going on 80. It’s pretty lame. Why don’t I go shopping you ask? Because I really suck at it. When I go to the mall, I usually end up spending hours at one store, only to walk out with one outfit that I usually stop wearing after a few weeks. In addition, I don’t feel too inspired to buy clothes for the size that I currently wear.

My Life Needs a Makeover

At this time, life feels like one vicious cycle after another:

From Monday through Friday, I try to wake up between 5:30am and 6:am to get ready for work. To be honest, I usually don’t get out of bed until 6:30am – that’s how tired I feel.

I usually leave home between 7:30am and 8:00 am so that I can be at work by 9:00 am. That’s right, a 45 minutes to 1 hour commute depending on traffic. It would probably go a lot faster if I would jump on the highway, but that’s a whole other post…

I’m supposed to get off work at 6:00pm, but on most days I leave after 6:30pm.

After a 45 minutes to 1 hour drive back, I arrive at the nursing home to chill out with moms. I have a little routine with her where I comb her hair, exercise her arms and feet, do her mouth care, and help clean her if needed. I’ve also been watching the debates there while I hang out with her since I haven’t yet upgraded my cable at home. Yeah it’s a bit ghetto, but whateva. I usually don’t leave the nursing home until after 10:00pm.

By the time I get home I am beat. I usually try to hop on my lil iBook to check emails and that’s where it all stops. I have fallen asleep in the most interesting positions. So if you’ve been here before and wondered why I don’t post to this blog regularly, this is why.

My weekends are the only time I have to clean, do laundry, run errands, or just rest. Lately I have been real selfish on weekends. Where most singles my age use that time to go party and socialize, I just want to be left alone. Before I know it, it’s Sunday night. Repeat.

So what would my ideal life be like you ask?

  1. I would figure out a way to heal my mom and others like her. I would then teach others how to do the same.
  2. I would work for myself and set my own schedule.
  3. I would have multiple streams of income that are easily maintained in only a few hours (less then 20) a week. In additions, with these income sources, I would earn many times more then what I am making now.
  4. All of my debts would be paid in full.
  5. I would hire an image consultant to help me create a look that is flattering to my figure.
  6. I would spend more time on improving myself physically, emotionally and spiritually.
  7. I would start doing Kung Fu again.
  8. I would start traveling again.
  9. I would start doing volunteer work again.

Interested in helping me achieve any of the ideal scenarios I mentioned above? If so, please leave a comment or send me an email. I am all ears and grateful for any help or advice you offer. Thanks. 😉

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Natasha March 9, 2008 - 7:25 am

Hi y’all, thanks for your comments:

Monique and Michael – there are many cool templates out there, but I would love for my site not to be cookie cutter or like someone else’s. So short of hiring someone (which I’d like to avoid, if possible) I may need to come up with a layout myself or totally customize an already made template to where it looks totally unique. Both option take time, but I will figure something out.

Michael – I keep hearing that a lot, about how uncommon it is for people to care for their sick or elderly parent(s). I figure everyone has their reasons for what they do or don’t do. I’ve known many people whose parent were either emotionally, verbally or physically abusive, if not all the the above. I wish I could say that I’m the type of person that would have cared for my mom if she treated me badly growing up, but I don’t know that. All I know is that neither of us was perfect and she did the best she could to raise me and my siblings as a single mother. I now get a chance to serve her and return the favor.

Beeker – Thanks for the great tips. I’ve been needing a manicure and pedicure, so maybe I’ll start there.

beeker March 9, 2008 - 1:02 am

I am with you on the shopping thing. What works for me is to buy classic items in multiple colors and then mix and match. If I want to look different, I change my hair style. I also try to find small things to cheer me up, like manicures, pedicures, or new lipstick. I know how hard it is to care for a loved one, but please don’t forget to love yourself.

beeker’s last blog post..America’s Financial Future

Michael Aulia March 8, 2008 - 6:30 am

Sounds like a very busy life, but it seems that you are a good person, with taking care of your mom and stuff. Sadly not many people want to do that nowadays.

Maybe try switching to different themes that you like , where not many customization is needed?

Michael Aulia’s last blog post..Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1 Impressions

Monique March 5, 2008 - 9:26 am

The good thing about Wordpress though is that there are so many free templates available.

Of course finding it, and then having it actually work as you want it to is what makes the process so tedious.

Monique’s last blog post..Quick Free Ad Space Contest Update… And More

Natasha March 4, 2008 - 10:21 pm

Hi Wendy, thanks for your comment and good tips on doing baby steps. 🙂

wendy March 4, 2008 - 6:22 am

hi natasha. i also want to change my own template. gettin sick of it. i also have the same problem when shopping for clothes. what i do is watch tv or look at magazines and see whats new and what flatters my figure then i hit the mall and look specifically for the style i chose.

as for your wishlist, its a good thing you’ve written it down the first step is knowing what u want. what i’d do is take small doable steps on each item then follow it up with another. you might wanna read my latest post. i think its related. neway, gudluck with everything. i hope this helps =)

wendy’s last blog post..A vision without action is a daydream. Stop dreaming. Just do it.

Natasha March 3, 2008 - 8:11 am

It can be but that’s one of my goals for this blog, amongst other things. Thanks for your comment.

Haney March 2, 2008 - 10:14 pm

Switching templates can be a hassle…

Haney’s last blog post..Suitable Soap For Eczema


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