Intentions and Weight Loss

Today, I realized that my past failures with weight loss may have a lot to do with my intentions. I noticed that every single time I’ve decided to start a detox or new fitness regime, my reason were always something like me wanting to look so good that I turn heads, or because I want attract the man of my dream, etc. Never has my reason been purely for the sake of doing something good for my body. Imagine that… to desire to be in the best health/fitness level possible simply because I love myself… What a concept.


I was reading a post by Dhrumil on the “We Like it Raw” blog where he featured the video of Jill Bolte Taylor’s stroke experience. I thought it was so inspiring that I’ve decided to post it here. If you have about 20 minutes to spare, then I invite you to kick back, relax and enjoy.

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Mercola December 10, 2008 - 7:04 am
It's very hard to find motivation to get in shape. Each person has something that would work for him/her best. I hope you find yours Natasha :)
Richard Morden May 19, 2008 - 9:39 am
Pills are not the answer and it's tough to hear about so many people having their dreams dashed by fast and easy diet tricks. It boils down to developing proper eating habits and making some changes in your lifestyle. Richard Mordens last blog post..
Sarah April 30, 2008 - 6:44 pm
I think you're right on, Natasha. This was a difficult lesson for me to learn (I mean, I'm already married but I wanted to be more physically attractive in general) but it served me well to go through this. You sound like a very thoughtful person. Best wishes to you! Sarahs last blog post..Glossary
wendy April 4, 2008 - 10:33 pm
That's great Natasha =) am happy for you! I once took these diet pills from china that made you lose your appetite but had tons of side effects. I wanted to be thin sooo bad cause I wanted to look good. I ended up getting really sick because of it. These days, although I still wanna be thin, I just make sure I eat fruits and vegetables and less of the sweet stuff. wendy's last blog post..It’s hard to feel beautiful in your own skin, but you make me beautiful over and over again…
Dhrumil April 4, 2008 - 6:16 pm
I love this video. We showed it at the Garam Masala retreat that we hosted.
Natasha April 3, 2008 - 6:42 am
Thanks Barbara.:)
Barbara Swafford March 31, 2008 - 11:02 pm
Hi Natasha, I have a feeling that now that you want to lose weight "for yourself", you'll see success. Barbara Swafford's last blog post..Celebrating One Year Of Blogging
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