Ok, I have good news and bad news. Good news is, I still intend to lose 40 pounds in 2008. The bad new is, aerobic breathing may not be my ticket to the promise land.
In the past week, I’ve experienced everything from low grade fever to stiff neck to a slightly elevated blood pressure. I could blame all of these symptoms on the breathing exercises, but I have no way of proving this. So, let’s just say that I’m on the path of discovering an exercise techniques I can stick with.
As for the eating, I’m still working on making wiser food choices and eating no less then 2-3 hours before bed. I believe that my food choices have improved in the past couple of weeks, but still need tweaking. Once I come up with a specific plan, I will post it here.
stay focused, and don’t give up. you’ll make it if you continue on this journey and have supportive people around you!
There’s always something that comes up and makes it hard to continue with our plans isn’t there? That’s what I find. I think getting through those hard times is key!
Oh man, I need to be right there with you in the weight loss department. I am slowly working on it, and it really requires time and good food choices to lose weight. not easy all the time.
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